Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Power Sources in Palestine and Israel.

***Author's Comment:  The commentary below is not based on my personal opinion nor my political beliefs.  The information below was gathered from various sources and compiled together to fulfill the requirements of this assignment*****

Israel’s sources of power stem both from its internal resources and the resources of its allies.  In terms of its internal resources, Israel maintains a domineering military force in the region.  This military force allows Israel to occupy and confiscate privately owned land in the West Bank, and control over Gaza, are extremely oppressive, with Palestinians having minimal control over their lives.  Periodically men, women, and children are strip searched; people are beaten; women in labor are prevented from reaching hospitals (at times resulting in death); food and medicine are blocked from entering Gaza, producing an escalating humanitarian crisis. Israeli forces invade almost daily, injuring, kidnapping, and sometimes killing inhabitants.  Another power source of Israel is its geographic location.  Israel’s location makes it extremely difficult for other countries to get to the areas of dispute without running into Israel forces.  Its internal sources of power are vast and great and give Israel an edge over Palestine.
Israel also gets power from its allies.  The United States has long been an ally of Israel, giving Israel money and supplies needed to continue its occupation and control of the territory.  The assistance Israel gets from other countries enables it to continue to build its defensive network and have allied countries defend and support its initiatives.

Palestine is not without its own power sources.  Palestine has its own military force which, not as strong or as advanced as Israel’s, continues to oppose with a forceful effect Israel’s advancements and control of the region.  Palestinians have resorted to other means of power to attempt to fight against Israel.  Terrorism has had a pivotal role in fighting back against Israel.  There is constant terrorist activity in Palestine directed at Israel.  News reports daily of missile attacks, gunfire, and the like perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists and extremists.  Palestine has also used the United Nations as well as the global media to help it with its cause.  Highlighting the human rights abuses and the horrible military campaigns Israel launches against Palestine.  Using these resources, Palestine has transformed terror and knowledge into power in its fight against Israel.

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