Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Negotiating Down Prices

For an assignment we were tasked with walking into a retail store and trying to negotiate down the price. Oddly, a lightning storm centered above my building the other night and a lightening bolt struck the building causing the destruction of my TV. I went to Best Buy to purchase a new TV. I had been looking for a new TV for a while and was well aware of what was out there and the prices I could expect. I knew that Best Buy was running an incredible special on a TV and Blue Ray package but had no need for the blue ray player. I went to Best Buy and talked to a salesman. I told him my situation and told him that I would purchase the TV for $130.00 less, taking into account the value of the Blue Ray player. After some time of discussing the matter and him getting in contact with the store manager, they declined my offer. I accepted their decline and did not purchase the TV. Instead, I chose a model that I preferred in the first place, at a lower cost, and purchased that. The negotiation may have been more successful should I have had more time to purchase the TV and not had such a pressing need. In the end, I saved money and purchased the same TV as the one offered, just slightly smaller but more practical.

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